Skin renewal, rejuvenation
Bellgance treatment
Description of the Bellgance (Inner Elegance and Beauty) Cosmetic Machine Treatment
Our Bellgance cosmetic treatment machine, considered pioneering in the cosmetic market, stands out for its ability to combine the effects of multiple cosmetic treatments in a single session. The treatments can be performed using various programs, which have been developed with the help of engineers and doctors.
Treatments Available:
- Ultrasonic substance delivery
- Electro-stimulation
- Soft laser therapy
- Microdermabrasion
- Muscle stimulation
- Myo dermapuncture
Effects on the Skin:
- Reduces mimic wrinkles
- Stimulates and tightens tissues
- Rebuilds collagen cells, enhancing skin elasticity
- Regeneration and refreshment
- Anti-inflammatory effects
- Deep penetration of active substances into the skin layers
- Microdermabrasion to refresh dead skin cells
- Lifting and contouring of the face, with visible tissue lifting
- Deep delivery of medical-grade active ingredients through mesotherapy
- Maintains optimal skin moisture
- Can be applied to the forehead, between eyebrows, around the eyes, the entire face, neck, décolleté, and hands
- Facial yoga exercises performed on tissues during treatments
- Disinfects and deeply cleanses the skin
- Replaces needle treatments (collagen induction) and can be used year-round
- Uses medical-grade equipment
- Most effective as a course of treatments (3+1 sessions, bi-weekly)
Bellgance Myo Lifting:
- HV cleansing
- Application of medical-grade active ingredients
- Machine programming according to skin type
- 45-minute machine treatment
- 20-minute massage
- Finishing with peptide or WOW mask
Bellgance Hyaluronic Acid:
- HV cleansing
- Application of medical-grade active ingredients
- Machine programming according to skin type (hyaluronic acid delivery)
- 30-minute machine treatment
- 15-minute massage
- Finishing with peptide or WOW mask
Bellgance Vitamin:
- HV cleansing
- Application of medical-grade active ingredients
- Machine programming according to skin type (vitamin delivery)
- 30-minute machine treatment
- 15-minute massage
- Finishing with peptide or WOW mask
Bellgance Star Lifting:
- HV cleansing
- Application of medical-grade active ingredients
- Machine programming according to skin type
- 30-minute machine treatment
- 10-minute massage
- Finishing with peptide or WOW mask
- Downtown Ó street
HV Nefretiti Gold Stamp
The HV Nefertiti Gold Stamp Treatment leaves the skin in the treated area visibly firmer and more vibrant. Skin tone is improved, wrinkles can be faded, scars can be softened and large pores can be tightened.
A skin renewal treatment with golden micro-needles for firm and vibrant skin.
It's no coincidence that this treatment is named after the former Egyptian queen, as the name Nefertiti means 'beauty has arrived'.
For what problems is it recommended?
Tired, sagging, dull skin, acne scars, mimic wrinkles, enlarged pores
Treatment procedure
The procedure uses medical-grade, sterile, single-use gold micro-needles to create micro-injuries in the skin, through which a revolutionary cocktail of active ingredients is injected into the skin, which then regenerates and rejuvenates itself by rebuilding its own cells.
The first step of the treatment is to cleanse the skin with HV HYDRO CARE Cleanser. Then, we treat the skin with the HV MAGIQSKIN bioresonance machine, i.e. we slightly numb and anaesthetise the area to be treated by stimulating the acupressure points using a series of anaesthetic movements. This procedure is complemented by the HV anti-ageing gel, which, thanks to its high concentration of urea and polysorbate active ingredients, further enhances the softening and relaxing effect, so that the skin does not require any anaesthesia.
After the HV MAGIQSKIN bioresurfacing treatment, the skin is disinfected and then a revolutionary cocktail of pharmaceutical-grade active ingredients is infused into the skin using the gold microneedle device. Then, for extra hydration and firming, we apply the HV Wow mask and finish with an effective and nourishing protective cream.
What is revolutionary about the cocktail of active ingredients that is injected into the skin during the treatment?
The combination of active ingredients that is injected into the skin during the treatment is a combination of oligopeptides of 2-6 amino acids and growth factors.
"Growth factors (GF) help the cell to differentiate and develop, survive and metabolise. They can be peptides, small molecule proteins, steroids, adrenal hormones, thyroids, certain cytokines that influence cellular function and form the basis of cell communication. Growth factors, cells are occasionally substances produced by stem cells that can induce growth and/or development in cells that have appropriate molecules, receptor proteins, on their surface that bind them." (Dr. Domokos Bartis, Dr. Judit Pongrácz. University of Pécs)
Growth factors enhance collagen formation, which increases the water content of the skin, making it tighter and more elastic.
How does this golden needle treatment differ from other micro needle treatments?
The uniqueness of the treatment lies in the fact that gold helps to stimulate microcirculation between cells, thus increasing conductivity, the rate at which information is transmitted between cells. What's more, the shape and structure of the needles and the density of their placement is a completely new concept in the world of needle treatments.
Healing time
After the treatment, the skin of the client becomes red due to the micro-injuries caused. This is a completely normal phenomenon that will disappear within a few hours. Afterwards, the treated area should not be exposed to water that day.
After HV microneedle treatments, it is recommended to observe the following
- Enhanced sun protection for 1 month after the day of treatment! We recommend HV Sun Care 30 SPF because the natural physical sunscreen ingredients in the product safely and effectively filter UV rays, while the cream moisturizes and nourishes the skin.
- During the treatment and for 1 month after the treatment, it is not recommended to use products containing high levels of vitamin A, vitamin C, AHA acid, aromatherapy, alcohol, high perfumes, soaps, and erasers.
- Swimming pools and saunas are not recommended on the day of the treatment and for the next 3 days, because the persistent steam and water soak the skin, which is stressful for the skin. This includes Bikram Yoga.
- On the day of the treatment and for 2-3 days afterwards, we do not recommend active sports with intense sweating.
- Only home care given by a specialist from the Bell Valley Iinstitute can be used for 7 days after treatment.
- For sleeping, use clean , freshly washed blankets for 7 days.
- Do not allow animal or human hair to come into contact with the treated surface for 7 days after treatment.
- Do not rub or scrub the treated surface.
- Other cosmetic treatment of the treated surface should be carried out only in consultation with the HV cosmetician carrying out the treatment, during the 2-3 weeks following the treatment.
- It is forbidden to spray perfume on the surface to be treated, because it may cause an allergic reaction!
For home facial care, we recommend the use of the HV Ritual Home Facial Care range from day one, based on the recommendation of your beautician.
- Fever
- Infectious disease
- Inflamed acne
- Herpes infection
- 2 weeks after vaccination
- Downtown Ó street
- Buda
- Zugló district
Kleanthous 24/7
Rohanás, stressz, kihívások… hogyan tartod karban magad? Jógázol? Sportolsz? Egészségesen eszel?
Tudtad, hogy a bőrödnek is szüksége van támogatásra?
A Kleanthous 24/7 termékcsalád cell supporting molekulákkal aktívan támogatja a bőr működését. Így az újra fel tudja építeni saját védőrendszerét, biológiailag megfiatalodik. A 24/7 segít a bőrnek, hogy az önmagán segíthessen, ezáltal friss, ragyogó és sugárzó legyen.
- Downtown Ó street
- Buda
- Zugló district
Radiance treatment
The HV Radiance is a special treatment that focuses not only on improving skin hydration and elasticity but also utilizes needle-free mesotherapy. This method delivers active ingredients into the skin to achieve an even complexion, lighten pigmentation spots, and result in radiant, glowing skin. It is recommended to undergo this treatment as a course, once a week, to effectively regenerate and soothe sun-damaged skin, and it is also important for preventive purposes.
With the Harangvölgyi products used during the treatment, skin hydration and elasticity can be enhanced. The HV MAGIQSKIN helps normalize energy conditions and strengthens skin regeneration processes, thereby helping to keep our skin young and elastic, achieving cellular-level skin rejuvenation.
During the treatment, we use a hyaluronic ampoule, which enhances the skin's hydration and water retention ability, thus improving skin elasticity. Additionally, we apply the skin rejuvenating effect of Vitamin C, and with the help of the Radiance ampoule, we achieve an even skin tone.
- Cleansing
- Exfoliation
- Electroporation
- Massage
- Hydration and Firming
- Finishing Cream
Price: 38,500 HUF – 90 minutes
Areas: face, neck, décolleté
HV Collagen Induction
HV Hydrafacial Treatment
One of the most up-to-date, non-invasive, skin-surface renewing facial treatments. A multi-step technique that promotes cell regeneration. HV Hydrafacial includes the following processes:
- purification
- gentle chemical peels,
- vacuum lymphatic massage,
- pore cleansing
- antioxidant protection
- deep tissue nutrition
HV Hydrafacial treatment restores skin balance, intensively tightens pores & improves skin tone. Effectively lightens skin surface pigmentations, blemishes and smoothes wrinkles.
Clinically proven results:
- wrinkles -60%
- pigment spots -64%
- smoother, softer, radiant skin +74%
"Lunch-time" treatment, no pain, no recovery time. Due to its spectacular immediate results, we highly recommend it before important events.
For everyone, all skin types – sensitive, dry, oily, inflamed, irritated, rosacea – for all ages.
HV Hydrafacial Skinceuticals Basic
28 900 HUF
45 minutes
HV Hyrdafacial Delux
39 900 HUF
55 minutes
HV Hydrafacial Delux lifting
55 900 HUF
75 minutes
- Downtown Ó street
HV Viva Hyaluron
Ennek a mikrotűs kezelésnek a kulcsa egy nagyon különleges hyaluron-peptid koktél, mely a párizsi szakmai kiállításon az év mezoterápiás hatóanyagának járó trófeát nyerte el, s amit további aktív hatóanyagokkal és LED terápiával turbóztunk fel.
Milyen problémára ajánljuk?
Feszességét, kontúrját, tömörségét vesztett, megereszkedett, petyhüdt bőrre.
A HV Institute 20 éve foglalkozik mikrotűs kezelésekkel, ezért is volt fontos számunkra, hogy egy olyan eljárással bővítsük kezeléseink palettáját, ami egyedülálló Magyarországon.
A 3 alkalmas bérlet formájában igénybe vehető, otthoni kezeléssel kiegészített program hatására az egész kötőszövet megfiatalodhat, a bőr látványosan tömörebb és frissebb lehet.
A kezelés menete
Miután érzéstelenítő krémmel bekentük az arcot, mikrotűs eljárással egy speciális bőrtömörítő, feltöltő, feszesítő és intenzív hidratáló hatású hyaluron-peptid koktélt viszünk be a bőrbe. A kontrollált mikrotraumás sérülések már önmagukban is serkentik a szövetek természetes kollagéntermelését, azonban ez az egyedülálló hatóanyag eddig nem tapasztalt módon képes fokozni a feszesítő, feltöltő hatást.
Következő lépésben rádiófrekvenciával további hatóanyagokat juttatunk a bőrbe, tovább stimulálva a kollagén szintézisét, majd narancs fényű LED-terápiás maszkkal zárjuk a kezelést. A narancs fény serkenti a kollagéntermelést, és mivel nyugtató hatású, stimulálja a melatonin termelődését is, melynek köszönhetően a vendég relaxáltabb lesz, ez pedig tovább segíti a rejuvenációs folyamatot.
Az egyenként 90 perces, 3 alkalomból álló kezelés sorozatot 10-14 napos különbségekkel végezzük el, és évente egy, maximum két alkalommal ajánljuk.
Gyógyulási idő
Nincs gyógyulási idő, a kezelés után a vendég akár azonnal partiképes.
A fényérzékenység miatt kizárólag az őszi/téli időszakban ajánljuk.
- non-invazív kezelés, gyakorlatilag fájdalommentes
- nincs gyógyulási idő
- egyedülálló aktív hatóanyag-koktél
- látványos eredményt hozhat
Miért válaszd a HV VIVA HYALURON kezelését?
- a HV Institute 20 éve foglalkozik mikrotűs kezelésekkel
- Magyarországon egyedülálló, komplex kezelés
- otthoni ápolással kiegészített program a hatékonyság érdekében
- a kezelés minden fázisa serkenti a kollagéntermelést, ezáltal rendkívül hatékonyan fiatalíthatja, tömörebbé teheti a bőrt
- Downtown Ó street
- Buda
- Zugló district
Mesolazer – Electroporation
Pascaud L3 laser lifting
- Buda